We are so excited to announce that Ryan Bomberger of the Radiance Foundation will be speaking at LEAD 2022! Ryan is an Emmy Award-winning creative professional, international public speaker, columnist, and author of Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong. He is also the co-founder of RadianceFoundation.org, a life-affirming organization that illuminates that every human life has purpose. As one of ten children who were adopted and loved in a family of 15 and a father of four, he enjoys illuminating the intrinsic worth we all possess.  

Ryan has done incredible work in the pro-life movement, from Congressional briefings on Capitol Hill to speaking at the March for Life in Washington D.C. to billboard and multimedia campaigns, including TooManyAborted.com, an ad campaign addressing the hugely disproportionate impact of abortion in the black community.  

At LEAD, we are equipping the next generation of leaders to stand for life, family, and religious freedom in all walks of life! We’re thrilled to be welcoming Ryan Bomberger as one of our speakers who will inspire students and empower them with tools to become leaders in their communities! Hearing from Ryan will be an incredible opportunity for LEAD’s students to learn address to culture-shifting issues from a fact-based, hope-filled, Biblically-sound perspective. 

We don’t want your student to miss the opportunity to join us this summer from July 24–29th! To learn more about LEAD and to register, go to www.LEADMinnesota.org.  

Watch Ryan below: