Update: After this blog post was published it came to light that Whole Women’s Health underreported their abortion numbers in 2020. As a result, the 2020 abortion report showed a decrease in abortions. If Whole Women’s Health had accurately reported the number of abortions they committed in 2020, the state report would have shown that abortions increased in Minnesota last year. Learn more here.

According to Minnesota’s recently released annual abortion report, 9,108 babies lost their lives to abortion in our state last year. The vast majority (79%) of those abortions were committed after fetal heartbeat was detectable and 45% of Minnesota’s abortions were paid for with taxpayer funds in 2020.

The fact that over 9,000 babies lost their lives to the gruesome practice of abortion is staggering and heartbreaking. But at the same time, there is hope. These are the lowest abortion numbers on record in Minnesota and represent an 8% drop from the previous year’s abortion numbers! Not only did 2020 see the lowest number of abortions on record, it also saw the lowest abortion rate on record at 7.6%. One child losing his life to abortion is too many, and we must continue to fight for life until abortion is illegal and unthinkable. The decline in abortion rates in Minnesota over the past three years is a hopeful sign that the pro-life movement is gaining ground and that life is being valued in our state!

Once again Planned Parenthood committed the lion’s share of abortions in Minnesota. 82% of the abortions committed in our state last year were committed by Planned Parenthood, representing a 16% increase from the previous year. Despite Planned Parenthood’s claims of caring for women, they have proven time and again that their priorities consist of committing abortions and making money.

Throughout 2020, the abortion industry and its cronies exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to expand the abortion industry’s reach and profits. The abortion industry refused to close their doors amid PPE shortages, used the pandemic as an opportunity to enrich themselves, and relied on their political allies to remove safety regulations on chemical abortions.

The expansion of the abortion pill during the COVID-19 pandemic is seen in Minnesota’s abortion numbers from 2020. 54% of the abortion committed in Minnesota last year were chemical abortions, representing a record high. The abortion pill is becoming a major front in the fight for life, especially as the Biden administration has temporarily lifted the FDA’s REMS requirements on the procedure and abortion activists hope to see chemical abortions continue to expand, despite the serious dangers involved.

Minnesota’s abortion report is a reminder that we must continue to fight to defend the lives of the unborn and to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. This includes coming alongside women and families in difficult circumstances, working to advance legislation that acknowledges the sanctity of life, engaging with the people around us and helping them to see the value of every life, and continuing to pray that God would change hearts. It is encouraging to see the abortion rates in Minnesota continuing to decline. Let’s keep working to make abortion a thing of the past!