Resources: Marriage, Sexuality & Family

God's Design for Marriage

The Supreme Court invented a constitutional "right" to gay "marriage." Now what?

Shouldn't government just get out of the marriage business?

God's Design for Sexuality

  • What if Your Child Is Gay?
    Excellent resource for parents from Russell Moore, president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the SBC, the nation's largest protestant denomination

Allied Organizations

  • Focus on the Family
    A global Christian ministry dedicated to helping families thrive.

  • CitizenLink
    CitizenLink is a family-advocacy organization that inspires men and women to live out biblical citizenship that transforms culture.

  • Alliance Defending Freedom
    Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith. Their expert attorneys have developed model policies for schools to ensure students' privacy and safety rights are respected, as well as model privacy legislation for state Legislatures. They defend citizens whose religious freedom rights are challenged by those who seek to redefine gender and force that redefinition on everyone else.

  • The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
    An entity of the Southern Baptist Convention, dedicated to engaging the culture with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and speaking to issues in the public square for the protection of religious liberty and human flourishing.